Ashley Beels
“Her knowledge and ability to explain things is outstanding. I love knowing not just WHAT to do, but why I am doing it. That motivated me to choose therapy for my sleep apnea and I was able to reduce it by 70% and stay away from a C-PAP. We were even able to avoid me a tongue-tie release procedure, treating it non-surgically.”
As an Oral Myofunctional Therapist, I show patients personalized physical therapy exercises for the head and neck structures to help them rehabilitate proper function in breathing, facial movement, their TMJ, tongue, chewing, swallowing, and speaking. Therapy prevents patients from more trouble with relapsing orthodontia/shifting teeth, tongue-tie, shallow breathing, gag reflex, swallowing issues, TMJD pain, grinding/clenching of the teeth, acid reflux, and sleep-disordered breathing.
University of The Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School Of Dentistry, BS in Dental Hygiene, Class of 2012
Cal Poly SLO, Masters in Educational Leadership and Administration, Class of 2013
Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Class of 2014
Breathe Institute: MyoMentor, Myofunctional Therapy, Class of 2022
Harvard Medical School Post Graduate Medical Education: Effective Writing for Health Care, In process: Graduation Date July 2024
Specialties, training, areas of interest: Sleep-disordered breathing, airway-centric dentistry, biological and holistic dentistry, body compensations, oral appliance therapy (DNA, EOT, Myobrace, MAD), TMJD, nutritional counseling
My Story
My story with oral myofunctional wellness started when I was just 9 years old. Like many children, I struggled with thumb-sucking as a child. Despite 5-years of orthodontic treatments, my underlying issues were never addressed, leading to shifting teeth and mouth breathing. It was not long until my mouth breathing led to sleep-disordered breathing and jaw pain as a young adult. To attempt to fix the crooked teeth, dentists I worked for suggested Invisalign. This pattern happened 4 times- all in attempts to straight these teeth that just kept moving!
After 10 years in dentistry, I learned about oral myofunctional therapy and sought out treatment for myself, suspecting this was the root of my forever-shifting teeth. It was no surprise I was diagnosed with several dysfunctions, including a reverse swallow (tongue-thrust) and a tethered oral tissue (tongue-tie). I share this to let you know that I myself, a dental professional of 10 years, alongside the 22 dentists I worked for in my career on the Central Coast, all did not know what we did not know: that we dental professionals had not been adequately trained on non-functional tethered oral tissues, TMJD, sleep disorders, swallowing dysfunction, and how to evaluate properly. For this reason, I believe an oral myofunctional therapist should work in every dental office, pediatrician’s office, and ENT’s office to assist in the proper development of the craniofacial structures of our youth, avoiding dysfunction, pain, and more invasive procedures in the teenage years and adulthood.
I started my oral myofunctional practice within my dental practice, Rooted Dental Wellness in 2021. However, a year later I outgrew the space and opened Untethered in 2022. For those familiar with RDW, Untethered is connected to Rooted Dental Wellness and has an entrance right next door.
Untethered is now offering group oral myofunctional therapy for children, a fun social setting for kiddos to learn myo in a more cost-effective approach to care. Untethered also has space for other providers who are offering care such as lactation consulting, feeding therapy, speech therapy, palatal expansion, and mini-myo (a play-based therapy for children under 5). Untethered has now completed over 200 cases, and we are growing our practice to include airway orthopedics and orthotropics.
Meet the team
Dr. Estevan Tinoco
Functional Dentist
Functional Tongue-Tie Releases
Dr. Susan Cane
Airway Mouth Doctor TM
Epigenetic Orthopedic Therapy
Sheri Mortola, OT
Infant Feeding & Oral Motor Skills
BA, Child Development
Myotherapy Assistant
Meghan, SLP, OMT
@ Functional Foundations
Speech Therapy
Kayla Dunnavan, IBCLC
Lactation Consultanting
Jennifer Stover
Craniosacral Therapy